category c1 Refereed Journal Article HERDC/ERA 2008/2009 pt.18/9/10 Not on OAKLIST but found this on SHERPA: Journal: Australian Humanities Review (ISSN: 1325-8338) Publisher: Australian National University Listed in: DOAJ - Journal's home page: warning - This publisher's policies have not been checked by RoMEO.- DOAJ says this is an open access journal, but this may only mean that it is freely available to read. - Most open access journals also permit self-archiving and re-use, but some do not.- Do not assume that self-archiving is allowed, unless it is published under a Creative Commons license.- Please contact the publisher for further information if necessary. TPP 1-6-2011 Contact info for ANU -tpp 1-6-2011 Email: Mailing address: Editors, Australian Humanities Review School of Humanities AD Hope Building #14 Australian National University ACT 0200 Australia AHR is also published in PDF and Print-on-Demand format by ANU E Press : Email: Web: Monique Rooney & Russell Smith, 2008. HERDC documentation added to dark upload - HD 13/10/20