Agricultural products are mostly perishable and require special logistics operations for storage, transportation and distribution to guarantee food safety and freshness. Logistics integration is critical for improving perishable food distribution. Although successful logistics integration has offered competitive advantage to firms operating in a wide range of industries, it has not yet achieved its full potential in the Thai agricultural sector. In Thailand, semi-industrial (commonly referred to as small and medium sized in extant literature) egg industry as an important agricultural sector. However, the industry presently faces critical issues primarily stemming from inadequate logistics. This results in suboptimal performance, such as unreliable delivery of goods and long or unpredictable order fulfilment lead times. Empirical evidence indicates that lack of comprehensive logistics supply chain and the absence of full integration of all related processes are the cause of these issues. On the other hand, in the extant studies in this field, factors such as information integration, logistics operations coordination, organisational relationship, and institutional support, are posited to play the main role in logistics integration. Hence, the present study aims to examine the role of these logistics integration factors in the ability to improve the logistics performance (specifically perfect order fulfilment and order fulfilment lead times), and identify the factors that have the potential to significantly affect the above relationships. The findings yielded by this study will assist in a better egg distribution logistics integration and will thus benefit the egg farmers, wholesalers, and retailers operating in the chain with the potential for improving distribution performance.