Patient discontinuation is explored using a mixed method study design in a sample of 188 patients from a low-fee clinic in Melbourne, Australia, offering 24 months of twiceweekly psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Patients were separated into three groups: those who discontinued during assessment (session 1-4) (Group 1), those who discontinued during therapy proper (Group 2), and therapy completers (Group 3). In Phase 1, patients’ baseline scores on the NEO-FFI, BSI, and CORE-OM were analysed using one-way analysis of variance. Higher levels of paranoid ideation, global distress and poorer life and social functioning were found in Group 1 compared to Group 2. There were no other differences between groups on these measures. In Phase 2 of the study, thematic analysis was used to analyse interview notes from 20 patients who discontinued. The results suggest that perception of the clinic setting, individual characteristics of the therapist, therapist style or technique, the therapeutic alliance and dissatisfaction with therapy process and outcomes, have more of an influence on discontinuation than patient factors.