As warships can carry weapons on board, the unlikely occurrence of fire is one of the most feared events on board. Until recently, halon 1301 (bromo-tri-fluoro methane, CF3Br) has been the primary fire-fighting agent for protecting the machinery spaces of ships. Halon 1301 is not only harmful to humans, but it also depletes the ozone layer. Water-mist fire suppression systems (WMFSS) have been considered as a potential candidate for the replacement of halon-based fire suppression systems by fire protection industries. WMFSS is already being used in commercial buildings, passenger and naval ships, etc. However, it is essential to examine the efficacy of water-mist droplets in suppressing fires. The efficacy of a water-mist system can be investigated in two ways: (i) experimental investigation; and (ii) numerical analysis. This study is a combination of an experimental study (water mist spray without fire) and two types of numerical studies using (a) semi-empirical equations based model developed in this study; and (b) a state of the art computational fluids dynamics (CFD) based fire model.