Over the past decade, information and communication technology (ICT) has become increasingly prevalent in our schools. With the emergence of new technologies in the classrooms, there is a pressing need to study how teachers experience and feel about the integration of new technology in their teaching practice. This study investigated seven teachers' perceptions and experiences in adopting 'Blackboard' computer program into their teaching. This research contributes to our understanding of how teachers adapt to the introduction and integration of new technology in their classrooms. The study combined theory and practice, identifying connections between the experiences of teachers and existing literature and research. One Catholic secondary school was the focus of the study. This school was selected because of its adoption of cutting-edge Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Data were drawn from four sources: individual teacher interviews; direct observation; email dialogues and school documents during the 2004 academic year. Teachers were interviewed three times; the transcripts of 21 semi-structured, open-ended interviews and observation data were analysed using the system of content analysis that involved identifying, coding, and categorising the main themes in the data. To expedite the research, I identified seven constructs to structure the data analysis: (a) change; (b) teachers' workload/time management; (c) student management; (d) enhancing student learning; (e) skill development; (f) access; (g) online pedagogy. Case profiles were created for each teacher and then compared across the seven teachers to discern both common and unique patterns of perceptions and experiences related to 'Blackboard' integration and implementation processes. Results of the study identified the importance of access to computers, ongoing professional development and leadership support for the integration of 'Blackboard' and other related technologies into teaching. The results also indicated that teachers need sufficient time to practise and plan their lessons with the new technology. The importance of a planned change process, created by all stakeholders, concerning integration of new technologies in the school emerged as an important outcome of this study. The results indicated teachers were most receptive to learning from and with their colleagues about the integration of the 'Blackboard' program into their classroom practice. Based on these research outcomes, a set of recommended strategies to support the integration of 'Blackboard' into teacher pedagogy and school curricula is included in the final chapter. Information gained from this study will provide some insights for the case study school and those schools that are interested in pursuing a similar path in the future.