In Spanish. In this paper we examine the commonalities and differences between women participants’, program providers’, and local government managers’ views about factors that support recruitment and retention of women in sport and active recreation programs. Data sets taken from previous studies in Australia on each of these stakeholders were analysed using the social-ecological model. A two-dimensional matrix was created, one dimension comprising the levels of the model and the other dimension addressing the types of stakeholder. The findings enhanced our understanding that different stakeholders refer to similar issues, yet at times their interpretations of these issues differ. Each stakeholder type was influenced by every level of the social-ecological model, but stakeholders focused on different levels. Significant new opportunities were revealed to enhance programs to encourage women in physical activity. This study contributes to the limited research using the social-ecological model as a lens through which to advance knowledge of enhancing physical activity programs for women and of stakeholder understandings of the critical issues to address.