The purpose of my case study, undertaken by means of interviews in the hospitality centres of two TAFE institutes in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, was to gain an in-depth understanding of the changes which have occurred in recent years and their effects on the working lives of the VET practitioners. To achieve this I used a qualitative research method to seek answers to the research questions, by using a set of case study procedures which allowed me to systematically collect evidence, and produce findings based on the data collected. Recent changes in the workplace for Vocational Education and Training (VET) practitioners have been occasioned by four predominant factors: changes in state and federal government policies; changes in training packages in order to make them more relevant; advancement in technology and the way it has been integrated into a blended learning approach; and adoption of a business model approach in vocational education to ensure that centres within institutions remain profitable and viable. My findings indicate there has been a dramatic increase in the administrative workload placed on VET practitioners, caused by these changes. In particular, the pressures on VET practitioners to be more productive, and the pressure on administration staff (centre managers and above) to perform financially for their centres and their institutions and, in many cases, the lack of necessary communication and leadership skills required to build productive and enthused teams able to focus more on viability and profitability, is leaving trainers feeling confused and inadequate as they grapple with students who now must be treated as both learners and clients. As an outcome of my study, I have proposed a transformational model – applicable at both an individual and organisational level – that will alleviate the stress and the pressure in times of change, and transform the VET practitioner's workplace into one that will be more productive.