Adequate neuromuscular function (i.e. the combined work of the central nervous system and skeletal muscle to permit movement) over the life span is essential for the effective execution of functional tasks. Tasks performed can range from those required as part of daily life (e.g. rising from a chair and climbing stairs) to those completed in the sporting arena (e.g. jumping, running and cycling). Stationary cycle ergometers can be used to make an ecologically valid, safe and accurate assessment of the limits of the neuromuscular function of the lower limbs, for a wide range of populations. The force and power transferred to the cranks of the ergometer are determined by various physiological, biomechanical and motor control factors. Physiological factors affecting neuromuscular function encompass the mechanical properties (i.e. forcevelocity, length-tension and force-frequency relationships) and active state of the various lower limb muscles. Biomechanical factors include the magnitude and orientation of the forces transmitted to the crank and kinematics of the lower limb joints. Finally, motor control factors include the coordination between muscles and joints and movement variability, which reflects how the central nervous system manages the abundance of motor solutions offered by the human body to produce the pedalling movement.