Tourism is a popular market offering for many countries, however, in an increasingly competitive marketplace, countries seeking to promote tourism need to develop favourable images of their country as a tourist destination. To do this, the notions of both country image and destination image come into play. While country image and destination image are deemed to influence tourism behaviour, there is little understanding on how these two constructs interact to influence tourism behaviour. This research, using Indonesia as the focal country/destination, is aimed at addressing this gap in knowledge. To guide this research, a framework was developed based on the value/attitude/behaviour hierarchy model. Specifically, this research investigated: (1) the relationship between country image and destination image involving the cognitive and the affective components of both country image and destination image; and (2) the mediating role of country image and destination image, as attitudes, on the relationship between values and behaviour. A series of relationships between country image, destination image, personal values, which are thought to be a guiding principle for behaviour, and behaviour probability were tested using data from an online sample of Australian residents. Structural equation modelling was employed to analyse the data.