The Footscray Learning Precinct project was commissioned by the Victorian Department of Education as part of its Education State initiiative. The project brings together education providers (from early childhood through to tertiary institutions) and other community and business stakeholders to achieve a comprehensive and innovative continuum of educational and learning opportunities for young people and the community of the inner west. This will be Australia’s first pre-school to post-graduate education precinct. The Future Focused Learning Framework outlines the core learning and teaching aspirations and the underpinning approach to education to inform the development of the Precinct. The Learning Framework aligns with the Precinct’s overarching principles and provides clarity on how these principles will be embedded and enacted in practice. The Learning Framework is a critical component of the feasibility study process and will be vitally important in informing the design of any capital works for the Precinct. Stakeholders are agreed that the design, build and governance elements of the Precinct must be geared to achieve the educational outcomes sought by young people and the community and the pedagogical approach needed to achieve those outcomes. Key decisions (especially around professional learning, governance, leadership and build) must be informed by the Learning Framework, so that the infrastructure of the Precinct (both physical and human) drives and facilitates the types of learning and teaching envisioned.