Compared to the general population, higher education students report elevated levels of psychological distress, with symptoms of and criteria for serious mental illness also being higher. Tertiary education marks a time in life of high levels of change and stress. Despite these difficulties, many students continue to succeed in their studies. One factor that has been shown to contribute to, and predict academic success is motivation. The current study aims to explore factors which contribute to psychological well-being, academic self-efficacy and resilience in students and their impact on motivation. Victoria University students (N=163) completed a survey of demographic questions and a variety of measures including locus of control, spirituality, perceived stress, academic self-efficacy, psychological well-being, resilience and motivation. Regression analyses using the bootstrapped method were conducted to explore relationships. Psychological well-being, academic self-efficacy and resilience jointly predicted motivation. Individually, however, academic self-efficacy, depression and resilience each contributed to extrinsic motivation; depression, academic self-efficacy, resilience and stress each predicted amotivation; while only academic self-efficacy was a significant predictor of intrinsic motivation. Lower scores on perception of stress were predicted by an internal locus of control and higher levels of spirituality, while higher levels of perceived stress were predictive of lower levels of psychological well-being. Perception of stress was a significant mediator between locus of control and psychological well-being, as well as spirituality and psychological well-being. Depression also mediated the relationship between perception of stress and amotivation. Measurement issues and implications of the findings are discussed.