Due to signifi cant changes, information-embedded power systems (IEPS) are required to effi ciently transmit power system data so as to control and monitor the entire power system effectively. Power system protocols play a signifi cant role in reliably transmitting critical data from different power intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) to the main control centre. An experimental analysis was performed to analyse different power system protocols used in IEPSs. From the experimental work carried out earlier, the propagation delay involved in distributed network protocol (DNP3) is considerably high when data are transmitted via wide area network (WAN) to the control centre. OPNET modeller has been used to develop a more reliable power system communication protocol based on DNP3. DNP3 protocol has been developed in the OPNET environment. Different techniques have been used in reducing the propagation delay involved in DNP3-WAN. This paper presents the development of an IEPS in the OPNET environment in order to develop a more reliable power system communication protocol to transmit power system data more effi ciently and securely.