Creative work - Elements 273594. Original Eprints ID 30805 deleted Lyn 12/3/18 Research statement : "This Poem, 'Doing your Best', was shortlisted for the Australian Catholic University Poetry Prize. The stimulus for writing the poem was 'Peace, Tolerance and Understanding'. This work poses the question: 'how do we know who is sane and who is not?' and explores the subsidiary question of: 'what does it mean to have understanding?' Medical professionals working in mental health facilities have understanding of the pathologies of mental illness; this work questions their understanding of the profound disruption to identity and purpose that result from mental illness, for the patient and those who love them. This free verse poem generates new knowledge through the connection of words and images associated with mental illness and those associated with sanity. It invites the reader/performer to enter the mind of those impacted by mental illness. It raises questions about the nature of sanity and insanity, and challenges the ways in which mental health services interact with the families of those who are ill. In terms of form, it explores the relationship between mental distress and words, and uses the free verse form to mirror the movements of the mind. Poet, author and academic Professor Kevin Hart judged the entries, which were shortlisted by ACU Literature lecturer Dr Carolyn Masel and Academic Board chair Professor Margot Hillel OAM. There were 200 entries nationally. The poetry prize announcement and launch of the book (in which the poem is published) was part of the Melbourne Writers' Festival."