Research statement This performance was a pastiche of poetry, drama, movement and song written during, or reflecting on, WW1. As dramaturge and overall director for this production, my role involved: • Sourcing the poetry used • Re-forming poetry into performance; working with directors to achieve this • Conceptualising the performance as a whole • Generating a narrative for the performance • providing historical context Several underpinning research questions explored poetry and song as ethnographic artefacts recreating the feelings of the time: • How did people in 1915 understand their experience of war? • how do noise, silence, movement and stillness reflect experiences of war? This was innovative in: • Putting together as one performance a range of genres • Providing the audience with several different ways into the performance • Exploring the idea of space, movement and voice as part of a performance aimed at generating feeling rather than literally telling a story • Combining choral speaking and movement as a new style of performance piece • Using poetry as a reflection on drama; exploring the interrelation of different genres and the ways in which they support each other in effective performance. This was a local production, with a focus on local history. It was performed at the Courthouse Theatre, Federation University, under the banner of Ballarat National Theatre, one of the oldest community theatre groups in Australia. It was reported in the Ballarat daily newspaper and involved interviews with local radio (Power FM) and WIN news coverage." Creative work. Elements ID 276608. Original Eprints ID 34940 deleted Lyn 12/3/18