LM 12/09/18 Keywords provided by author 12/09/18. Yellow in Sherpa, Author's Pre-print: green tick author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) Author's Post-print: grey tick subject to Restrictions below, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Restrictions: 12 months embargo Publisher's Version/PDF: grey tick subject to Restrictions below, author can archive publisher's version/PDF Restrictions: 12 months embargo General Conditions: On author's personal website or e-prints server Author's Post-print (accepted version) must be removed no later than 1 months after publication and replaced with abstract of article, along with full citation Publisher's version/PDF may be used Publisher's version/PDF may be used on an Institutional Repository associated with author after 6 months embargo Institutional affiliation must be listed in article Publisher copyright must be acknowledged with set statement (see policy) Set statement to accompany each version deposited, e.g. for pre-print, authors post-print etc Must link to publisher version, accepted v. requested (Plotz) --12 mth embargo 18/9/18 LL BUT -- cannot make post-print available as Institutional affiliation must be listed in article -- LL 25/10/18