This paper reports the effect of elevated temperature exposures, up to 1200◦C, on the residual compressive strengths of alkali-activated slag concrete (AASC) activated by sodium silicate and hydrated lime; such temperatures can occur in a fire. The strength performance of AASC in the temperature range of 400–800◦C was similar to ordinary Portland cement concrete and blended slag cement concrete, despite the finding that the AASC did not contain Ca(OH)2, which contributes to the strength deterioration at elevated temperatures for Ordinary Portland Cement and blended slag cement concretes. Dilatometry studies showed that the alkali-activated slag (AAS) paste had significantly higher thermal shrinkage than the other pastes while the basalt aggregate gradually expanded. This led to a higher thermal incompatibility between the AAS paste and aggregate compared with the other concretes. This is likely to be the governing factor behind the strength loss of AASC at elevated temperatures.