OA - HD 31/8/18 Blue in Sherpa, Author's Pre-print: question mark archiving status unclear Author's Post-print: green tick author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Publisher's Version/PDF: green tick author can archive publisher's version/PDF General Conditions: On author's personal website Publisher copyright and source including DOI must be acknowledged Set statement to accompany deposit (see policy) Must link to publisher version Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged with citation Publisher's version/PDF may be used Publisher automatically deposits articles in PubMed Central, Any use of this material in whole or in part should include bibliographic citation, including author attribution, date, article title, and a statement as follows: "Obtained from the Haematologica Journal website http://www.haematologica.org" -- from journal Rights & Permissions. Added SET STATEMENT (to Descr. field in upload section) & CC-BY-NC, LL 2/10/18