Although a lot of research and implementations have been performed for voice transmission over regular network and internet, a little is done for mobile ad hoc network (MANET). Like other computer networks, in MANET voice transmission is also very much demanding and necessary. Since the wireless links in an ad hoc network are highly error prone and may go down frequently because of node mobility, interference, channel fading, and the lack of infrastructure, it is very difficult and challenging to implement voice transmission over MANET. In this research, to maximize the performance of MANET during voice transmission we choose some parameters and methodological approaches e.g. Method of media access, selection of audio codec, selection of routing protocol etc in efficient and optimum way. Since voice applications consume more energy than typical applications, we use an energy aware routing protocol known as WEAC for the study. During the selection process of routing protocol we have a performance comparison study between Improved DSR and WEAC, where WEAC performs better consuming less energy in case of larger network. We also have a comparative study among several audio codecs (G.711, G.729 and G.723.1) where by simulation we show that the G.729 codec is more suitable to use for voice transmission over MANET in terms of latency. Finally, we show that it is possible to launch voice transmission with acceptable quality and throughput over MANET using G.729 and WEAC protocol.