Short duration intense rainfall causes an increase in rainfall derived infiltration and inflow (RDII) in aging sewer networks, which leads to Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). This, in turn, causes various detrimental impacts, both on human health and the environment. This research aims to quantify the benefits of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) approaches to mitigate the negative impacts of rainfall induced SSOs. In this context, this research develops a generalised framework for assessing and mitigating the impacts of intense rainfall on the performance of the sanitary sewer network. The first part of the developed framework involves detailed hydraulic modelling to evaluate the performance of the sewer network. The second part deals with the development of SSO mitigation strategies based on popular WSUD approaches. This study also demonstrates the application of the developed framework for a case study catchment in Melbourne, Australia. A detailed hydraulic modelling to analyse the performance of the case study sewer network during a wet (2010) and a dry year (2008) has been presented. The hydraulic performance analysis found that the system experienced 23 ML of sewer overflow volume in 2010 as compared to 3.42 ML in 2008. Towards mitigating the negative impacts of SSOs, this study has implemented two commonly used WSUD approaches, namely rainwater tanks and rain gardens for the case study sewer network. A detailed hydraulic modelling has been undertaken with rainwater tanks and rain gardens (individually and in combination) for the wet year 2010. It was observed that rainwater tanks (individually) could lead to a maximum reduction in SSO volume by 33% when compared to the base case overflow volume of 23 ML. A higher reduction in SSO volume up to a maximum of 45% was observed when rain gardens were implemented in conjunction with rainwater tanks. Such an analysis will benefit the urban water authorities to develop sustainable WSUD based mitigation strategies for controlling SSOs in their sewer system. Thus, the study will be beneficial for the community and the environment.