LM 21/01/19 Thesis by publication. Quering with C&ML -Paper which forms chapter 2 is a pre or post print (doesn't specify), publisher of journal to which it has been submitted allows pre-print and post-print archiving so it was not removed. Sherpa/Romeo permissions: "Author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing); author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing). -Paper which forms chapter 4 (yet to be published), is a preprint, publisher of journal to which it has been submitted allows pre-print archiving so it was not removed. Sherpa/Romeo permissions: "Authors pre-print on any website, including arXiv and RePEC. -Paper which forms chapters 5 is restricted by publisher's permissions. Paper was removed, and page inserted with title and link to full-text. -Paper which forms chapter 6 is a post-print, publisher of journal to which it has been submitted allows post-print archiving so it was not removed. Sherpa/Romeo permissions: "Author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)." ------C&ML confirmed that chapter 4 is a pre-print and that it is permitted to be shared by Elsevier LM 24/01/20