Item deposited via Symplectic Elements by user: MS Hoa Dinh HR Feed Proprietary ID: E5016137 ---------- Elements publication ID: 397537 Green in Sherpa, Author's Pre-print: green tick author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) Author's Post-print: green tick author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Publisher's Version/PDF: cross author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF General Conditions: Pre-print on author's personal website, repository, scientific social network, arXiv or non-commercial website Pre-print can not be updated after submission Post-print on author's personal website immediately Post-print on institutional website, institutional repository, subject-based repository, PubMed Central, non-commercial scientific social network or third party eprint servers after 12 months embargo Post-print on arxiv or Bioarxiv after 12 months embargo, if the author selects 'non-exclusive license to distribute� Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used Published source must be acknowledged with citation Must link to publisher version with DOI Set statements to accompany different versions (see policy) Post-print is not permitted on commercial scientific social networks e.g. ResearchGate, Mendely and Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License Articles can not be deposited under an open access license or creative commons license. Accepted v requested, (Ian) 12 MTH EMBARGO TILL DEC 31st 2019, + Set statement + license, LL 17/5/19