Thesis by publication. •Paper which forms chapter 3 is a pre-print version. Sherpa/Romeo indicates that "author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)", "Published source must be acknowledged", "Must link to publisher version with DOI" •Paper which forms chapter 4 is a pre-print version. Sherpa/Romeo indicates that author can archive pre-print versions, but must link to published version with DOI. The published version was published by Elsevier. Elsevier has a policy of allowing published articles to remain in theses. (click on Can I include/use my article in my thesis/dissertation). •Paper which forms chapter 5 is a pre-print version. The journal publishers permissions “In which ways may authors of a manuscript published in a Human Kinetics journal reuse their manuscript without first seeking permission from Human Kinetics? With proper acknowledgment, authors may reuse all or part of their accepted manuscript in the following ways without first seeking permission: • Printed copies for their own lectures and teaching use • In future noncommercial works of their own, such as a thesis or dissertation”. •Paper which forms chapter 6 has not been published at this time •Appendix C includes 2 published versions of papers which are permitted by the journals. Paper 1 has a creative commons license and paper 2 is published by Elsevier which has a policy of allowing published articles to remain in theses. (click on Can I include/use my article in my thesis/dissertation). ---------- Checking with C&ML regarding permissions for paper 3 used as chapter 5 LM 12/06/19 ---------- Approved by C&ML permissions ok to release LM 24/01/20 ----------