The Water Reuse and Communities Toolkit has been developed by Victoria University as part of the NDEEP project. The purpose of the resource is to provide guidance and direction to water authorities and water planners in dealing with community attitudes, values, and emotions in regard to recycled water. Recommendations are provided in the executive summary for each module, with a longer elaboration of the evidentiary basis used to inform those conclusions following. These modules are intended to translate insights from the social sciences for a non-specialist audience who are involved in water planning. This intended audience includes; - strategic planners and communications teams in water authorities and water retailers; - water policy specialists and regulators at various levels of government; - water planners in council. Module 4 examines the attitudinal and demographic segmentation of the population with regard to views on water recycling. It is intended as a guide to help develop messaging for niche marketing of messages around recycled water, in collaboration with the media tool produced researchers at the University of New South Wales for the AWRCoE.