The last few decades have seen the expansion of Western education into Asian countries including Vietnam. Australia is one of the pioneers of transnational higher education. However, the area of Australian transnational education in Vietnam is under-researched. This study explores the transnational learning and teaching experiences of students and lecturers involved in two Australian transnational programs in Vietnam. The research design is conceptualised within a pragmatic paradigm, mixed methods research, and case study approach. Data collection methods consisted of a questionnaire for Vietnamese students, focus group discussions with Vietnamese students, and individual interviews with Australian/Western transnational lecturers. The findings of my research serve as reference points for Australian universities and Vietnamese institutions, highlighting the ways they deliver Australian transnational higher education programs in Vietnam. Specifically, outcomes reveal why a particular group of Vietnamese students chose to study with the two selected Australian transnational programs, and what they and their lecturers perceived to be the key characteristics desired of transnational lecturers. My research identifies a number of similarities and tensions between student and lecturer perceptions. These may provide some guidance when preparing lecturers for transnational teaching, and students for learning in a transnational context. My research also indicates that students enjoyed and appreciated this transnational experience, but failed to maximise the benefits of this golden opportunity. Finally, my research highlights a shift from a traditional cross-cultural perspective to an intercultural perspective, which challenges the traditional East-West dichotomy and brings Vietnam and Australia closer to each other.