Item deposited via Symplectic Elements by user: Lesa Maclean HR Feed Proprietary ID: E5110873 ---------- Elements publication ID: 413221 ---------- LM 29/10/19 ---------- Yellow in Sherpa Author's Pre-print: green tick author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) Author's Post-print: grey tick subject to Restrictions below, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Restrictions: 12 months embargo for Author's post-print (See conditions) 6 months embargo for Publisher's version/PDF, only if required by funding agency Publisher's Version/PDF: grey tick subject to Restrictions below, author can archive publisher's version/PDF Restrictions: 12 months embargo for Author's post-print (See conditions) 6 months embargo for Publisher's version/PDF, only if required by funding agency General Conditions: Cannot archive until publication On author's personal website, departmental website, institutional repository or subject repository Author's post-print on academic social network (Research Gate, Mendeley, or social media after 24 months embargo Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged Must link to journal webpage and /or DOI Publisher's version/PDF may be used Publisher's version/PDF may be used after 6 months embargo, only if required by funding agency, on subject repository only e.g PubMed Central If funded by RCUK or Wellcome Trust, deposit must use Creative Commons Attribution No-Derivatives License (CC-BY-ND) Accepted v requested (Chaudhry) 6 MTH EMBARGO TILL March 31st 2020, LL 13/11/19 From Author Guidelines: "Authors can use their article for non-commercial purposes after publication in these ways: 1.Posting the Author's Original* on the Author's personal or departmental web pages and/or institutional repositories and/or subject repositories without embargo and sharing it as much as desired. For open [freely available] repositories, if the manuscript was funded by either RCUK or the Wellcome Trust, use the CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0. Otherwise, follow the licensing restrictions applied to all material copyrighted by Inderscience; 2. Accepted Manuscript* •Internally sharing the Accepted Manuscript within their research collaboration groups only, at any point after publication •Posting the Accepted Manuscript on institutional repositories and/or subject repositories, subject to an embargo of 12 months after publication (Green Open Access)". Publisher v supplied, not added, LL 15/11/19. Rec'd & added, LL 19/11/19. Acknowledgement added, LL 1/5/2020