Introduction of IEC61850 standard for substation automation has envisaged higher efficiencies and reliability in operation of energy management systems (EMS). However, despite its benefits, utility companies are hesitant to adopt and integrate IEC61850 standard because of lack of knowledge and skills among engineers in power supply industry. Under this circumstance Victoria University has been a pioneer to model Victoria University Zone Substation Automation System based on IEC61850 standard which can be a test bench and training facility for people from industry and students in academic. Basically, the focus of this research project is concerned with the design and implementation of a model zone substation automation laboratory based on IEC61850. To simulate a real-world scenario, the model zone substation primary system is designed to match the exact requirements and arrangements as exists in Melbourne-Victoria grid terminal zone substations. Therefore, the Victoria University model Substation Automations Systems (SAS) also included two sub-transmission lines, two distribution transformers, bus couplers and feeders and their protection, control, measuring ang monitoring systems. For this SAS arrangements there are eight protection and control panels have been included to match the real-world scenario. Therefore, protection and control segregation have been designed for Main Protection (X - Protection) using ABB relays and Backup Protection (Y-Protection) using GE relays, and Communication switches, RTU and SCADA also from different venders like ABB, SIEMENS and other, and all of them compatible with the IEC61850 standard. For the designing purpose two stages have been defined; station bus level which includes configuration and communication between Protective Relays from ABB & GE, and stage two is process bus level including IEDs, CBs and Merging Units for sample values (SVs) Measurements. Through this project, interoperability facilities are inherent in IEC61850 communication standard are utilized to communicate and share substation events and reports among protection relays from different manufacturers such as ABB and GE and other. To implement this fundamental aspect of IEC61850 the overall communication system is connected to Ruggedcom switches and configured according to IEC61850 standards, using proprietary software packages and a system configuration (SCL). In fact, the main idea for development of Victoria zone substation laboratory is to provide power engineering students, and industries like utilities for hands on experience such as how to perform tests in IEC61850 functions using various software tools from different manufacturers. The main work for this research project was to identify the current industry requirements for SAS and design and develop a simulation system for the use of academic back ground. Therefore, to fulfil this task successfully my background as SAS design engineer work experiences contributed to a greater extent to design and implementation process of this research project. Moreover, with the extension of the IEC61850 from substation automation level to cover distribution & transmission automation for IEC61850- 9-2 LE. In short, Victoria University’s model zone substation laboratory can be utilized for R&D purposes customizing for any research studies based on IEC61850 communication standard, and given the capabilities offered by IEC61850 standard and limited implementation at substation level, development of a test bench for further utilization of IEC61850 in Power System Automation level is appreciable.