Thesis by publication. •Chapter 3 & 4 - published versions. Permitted as publisher is Elsevier. Elsevier has a policy of allowing published articles to remain in theses. (click on Can I include/use my article in my thesis/dissertation) •Chapter 5a & 6 - also published by Elsevier, however included version is not published version. Indicates "manuscript prepared for" - appears to be pre-print copy as details of included papers indicates at the time of submitting thesis that these article were "under review". According to Sherpa/Romeo this version is permitted: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing). Authors pre-print on any website, including arXiv and RePEC. Must link to publisher version with DOI. Pages have been inserted with DOI to published version. Note that the title for article 5a is slightly different to published version. •Chapter 5b - not a published version. According to Sherpa/Romeo pre & post permitted subject to a 12 month embargo and inclusion of a set statement and link to DOI of published version. Set statement available from: Currently not permitted as 12 month embargo hasn't passed - would be permitted post August 2020. This paper has been removed, and page inserted with title and link to full-text. LM 03/02/20