Eprints doesn't like filename with ampersand (&)eg.fisher&sonndtoday.pf, i've changed this this filename to 404.pdf pt.17/11/09; Added official URL to Publisher's link to article. Link to Fisher&Sonntooday.pdf document doesn't open. AL 10/11/09. Yellow in Sherpa: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing), subject to Restrictions below, author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) Restrictions: If signed CTA, only allowed with written permission 0-24 months depending on journal, Publisher's Version/PDF: author cannot archive publisher's version/PDF, Added DOI, 6.6.12-MMM Metadata revised, has been peer-reviewed (see signed permission form) LL 11/5/2020. -- Submission & Permission Form added to Dark Archive 13.8.2020-MMM