Thesis by publication. The first 8 publications where published in Elsevier journals. The last publication was submitted to an Elsevier publication, but to date has not be published, but is a pre-print which is permitted if it is published. Elsevier has a policy of allowing published articles to remain in theses. (click on Can I include/use my article in my thesis/dissertation). 3 of the articles that have been published have not had there published version included - the included version has not been specified, but is likely to be the post-print. The post-prints have embargo periods. QUERY with C&ML LM 19/05/20 C&ML confirmed as not published versions we must follow the embargo periods. Chapter 3c - embargoed till 31st Jan 2022 Chapter 6 - embargoed till 30th April 2022 Chapter 7a - embargoed till 31st Jan 2022 All 3 articles removed and citation inserted LM 08/07/20