Item deposited via Symplectic Elements by user: Lesa Maclean HR Feed Proprietary ID: E5110873 ---------- Elements publication ID: 419471 ---------- LM 17/08/20 ---------- From: : "Author(s) retain the right to make an AAM of their Article available for public release on any of the following 12 months after first publication ("Embargo Period"): their employer’s internal website; their institutional and/or funder repositories. AAMs may also be deposited in such repositories immediately on acceptance, provided that they are not made publicly available until after the Embargo Period. An acknowledgement in the following form should be included, together with a link to the published version on the publisher’s website: “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in [insert journal title]. The final authenticated version is available online at:[insert DOI]”. Accepted v requested (Dragomir), 12 MTH EMBARGO TILL FEB 28TH 2021, LL 31/8/2020