In 2008, the Helen Macpherson Smith (HMS) Trust commissioned Victoria University to conduct an evaluation of the Mentoring and Capacity Building Initiative's Regional Coordination Projects (RCPs). The RCPs are founded on a model of community education and collaboration that aims to enhance cross-sectoral and whole-of- community approaches to mentoring and community building. Their specific objectives are to: (i) coordinate effective regional delivery of new and existing mentoring programs and related activities; (ii) identify, document and share best practice mentoring models; (iii) strengthen community partnerships and collaboration, and the capacity and skills delivery of mentoring programs; (iv) develop cross-sectoral and whole-of-community approaches to mentoring. The aim of the evaluation was to determine the effectiveness of the RCPs in achieving these objectives, including the monitoring of program outcomes and strategic partnerships supporting these projects. This paper reports on some of the key findings of that evaluation.