thesis by publication. Ch. 5. accepted manuscript. permitted. "6. Permitted uses by owners of the Work.6.1. Any Author may make the following uses of the Work under this Agreement provided such uses are not a Commercial Use. Each Author shall be entitled to:......6.1.4. place the Author’s Accepted Manuscript (but not the Version of Record unless the Work is agreed with BMJ to be an Open Access Article in which case it can be the Version of Record) and the published abstract of the Version of Record on: Author Licence BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ): The BMJ and BMJ Journals – BMJ wholly owned or co-owned journals 4 i) that Author’s own or institution’s website (which must be non commercial); and/or ii) Your institution’s repository (and such an institution must be academic or scholarly); 6.4.3. for all other articles: where the Author’s Accepted Manuscript of the Work has been republished in accordance with Clauses 2.5, 6.1.4 and/or 6.1.5: i) “This article has been accepted for publication in [insert full citation including Journal, Volume and Issue] following peer review, and the Version of Record of this article can be accessed online at [insert full DOI eg. ].” and ii) “© Authors (or their employer(s)) ” [Add where a funder mandates: “Reuse of this manuscript version (excluding any databases, tables, diagrams, photographs and other images Author Licence BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ): The BMJ and BMJ Journals – BMJ wholly owned or co-owned journals ------ Ch. 6. Accepted manuscript. Couldn't locate any information to suggest inclusion permitted. Sherpa/Romeo indicates accepted manuscripts not permitted. Article removed and citation inserted. ------ Ch. 9 & 10 are submitted versions of articles which have not yet been published. Instructions stipulate that these are to be left in the thesis as they were not published at the this time. ----- Appendix. -Ch. 5 pub ver. couldn't locate any permissions to suggest inclusion permitted. removed and citation inserted. -Ch. 6 pub ver. permittted with set statement. Statement added -----