Thesis by publication. Papers which form appendix are restricted by publisher's permissions. Papers were removed, and where needed and possible citation inserted. The complete thesis, have been placed in the thesis archive on the Libshare. Appendix A & E - unable to locate any permissions which suggest inclusion allowed. Appendix B & C - published version not permitted. “Include your article Author’s Original Manuscript (AOM) or Accepted Manuscript(AM), depending on the embargo period in your thesis or dissertation. The Version of Record cannot be used.” Appendix D - Not yet published - if published this would be considered the submitted version and it needs to include a link to the published version to be allowed. This was only submitted recently, so it could be published this year. Removed to be on the safe side. Appendix G has a CC licence - but states that a page per view counter needs to be inserted if published online. Unable to tell if page counter has been inserted. Removed to be on the safe side. Appendix also included images and abstracts from conferences - unable to locate any permissions that states inclusion permitted, and unsure who owns copyright of images used. Removed to be on the safe side. LM 23/06/21