Thesis by publication. 05/07/21 LM Chapters 5 & 6 not currently published. Chapter 5 has been submitted, current procedure indicates to treat as submitted version as the thesis is less then 3 years old. submitted version permitted. No conditions. Also Elsevier would be publisher and they permit inclusion in thesis Chapter 6 has not been submitted to a journal at time of thesis submission. Current procedure "leave in the thesis, as it has not ben accepted for publication before the thesis was 'published'" Chapters 2-4 are not published versions. Versions not specified. Current procedures indicate to treat as accepted manuscripts. Chapter 4 published is OA. AM permitted Conditions: Published source must be acknowledged with citation. Must link to publisher version with DOI. Citation & Doi inserted Chapters 2 & 3 published in Human Kinetics Journals. AM permitted. "In which ways may authors of a manuscript published in a Human Kinetics journal reuse their manuscript without first seeking permission from Human Kinetics? With proper acknowledgment, authors may reuse all or part of their accepted manuscript in the following ways without first seeking permission: Printed copies for their own lectures and teaching use In future noncommercial works of their own, such as a thesis or dissertation" "Are authors permitted to post a version of their manuscript on their own website or on websites/other electronic repositories controlled by their academic institution? Yes, with proper acknowledgment (details below), authors may post their accepted manuscript on their own website or on websites/other electronic repositories controlled by their academic institution as long as the article has been published (either as Ahead of Print or in final form) and the manuscript is in PDF or other image capturing format." Citation inserted. "What is the proper format for acknowledgment? The format of the acknowledgment depends on whether the manuscript is published or unpublished. If published, it depends on whether it is Ahead of Print or formally published in an issue of the journal. Manuscript has been accepted but not published: Accepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from [Journal Title], [year] (ahead of print). © Human Kinetics, Inc. [or copyright notice shown in journal, if different] Manuscript has been published online as Ahead of Print: Accepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from [Journal Title], [year],[doi-number]. © Human Kinetics, Inc. [or other copyright notice shown in journal, if different] Manuscript has been published in a journal issue: Accepted author manuscript version reprinted, by permission, from [Journal Title, year, volume (issue): pp-pp,[doi-number]. © Human Kinetics, Inc. [or other copyright notice shown in journal, if different]"