Contains publications. Checking with ORTQI if this is a thesis by publication. LM 27/07/21 ORTQI confirmed this thesis was submitted as a Thesis by Publication. LM 02/08/21 Ch. 3. Published version included. OK to leave in. "You may use the Final Published PDF (or Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript, if preferred) in the following ways: …... in your dissertation or thesis, including where the dissertation or thesis will be posted in any electronic Institutional Repository or database". Ch. 5. Published version included. Couldn't locate any permissions to indicate inclusion permitted. Removes and citation inserted. Ch. 6 & 7 are indicated to be under review. Presently neither have been published. The journals the articles have been submitted to have been listed, and if the articles are published there are conditions that need to be followed. Ch. 6. must cite and link to published version via DOI. Ch. 7 would not be permitted. To be on the safe side both have been removed. These can be reviewed at a later date. LM 02/08/21