Thesis by publication. -Paper which forms chapter 4 restricted by publisher's permissions. Paper removed, and page inserted with title and link to full-text. Sherpa/Romeo indicates Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used. indicates version of record can be included in thesis "Authors have the right to reuse their article’s Version of Record, in whole or in part, in their own thesis. Additionally, they may reproduce and make available their thesis, including Springer Nature content, as required by their awarding academic institution. Authors must properly cite the published article in their thesis according to current citation standards. Material from: 'AUTHOR, TITLE, JOURNAL TITLE, published [YEAR], [publisher - as it appears on our copyright page]’ However, included version was author copy (had author copy stamp all over it) and did not match the published version of record online 100% - online publication date missed. -Paper which forms chapter 5 is the published version of an Elsevier article and is permitted. Elsevier has a policy of allowing published articles to remain in theses. (click on Can I include/use my article in my thesis/dissertation) -Paper which forms chapter 6 is the submitted version of a published Elsevier article and is permitted. Sherpa/Romeo: Permitted. Published source must be acknowledged. Must link to publisher version with set statement (see policy) and DOI. Page with citation and set statement inserted. -Paper which forms chapter 7 is the submitted version of a published Elsevier article and is permitted. Sherpa/Romeo: Permitted. Published source must be acknowledged. Must link to publisher version with DOI. Page with citation inserted. -The complete thesis has been placed in the thesis archive on the Y Drive. -VURR form issue (old form didn't contain thesis title & new form no supervisor signature). IRCS manager confirmed combining old & new VURR form acceptable & thesis can now be released to live LM 19/08/22