Purpose: The purpose of this project was to develop and evaluate an eHealth intervention to promote healthy lifestyle for pregnant women. The setting was a low socio-economic and multi-ethnic area in Melbourne, Australia. Methods: This paper briefly describes the development of the eHealth intervention, which was aimed at a low level of literacy, and the evaluation of the intervention by pregnant women. A basic descriptive survey was undertaken to evaluate user friendliness, usefulness and acceptability of the intervention. Results: The intervention was developed by a team of experts and forty pregnant women participated in the evaluation. Results indicated that participants found the intervention informative, useful and easy to navigate. They also identified some minor areas for improvement which will be addressed prior to proceeding to a formal controlled evaluation. Conclusion: Results from this evaluation are encouraging and suggest that women found the intervention convenient, trustworthy and engaging. Most enjoyed navigating the website information. As such, it is likely to prove a useful support for delivering dietary and exercise information to pregnant women in the local low socio-economic area. Further formal evaluation will test the efficacy of the website in improving diet and exercise outcomes during pregnancy.