Rhyme has substantial presence in the history of English-speaking culture. In each generation of people there are poets and songwriters who have created their own version of rhyme verse to broadcast their viewpoints concerning ideas, emotions, and events. To explore the place of rhyme verse in modern English-speaking culture, we need to consider its reception and relatability for an audience. This thesis comprises two components: a creative product (Part A); and an exegesis (Part B). The purpose of the creative product is to provide samples of recent rhyme verse, and be a guide for teachers and senior school students relating to composition and presentation of rhyme. In the context of this project, these teachers and students are designated as ‘the audience’, but curriculum designers and poetry or song enthusiasts may have an interest in the creative product. Part A, Verbal Tap Dance: a collection of rhyme verse, does not set out to offer theoretical research information in an exegetical sense, it intends to be an interrelated study resource for the exegesis to show how rhyme verse can be composed by employing theme as a starting point for creating a poem or song. Furthermore, the creative product includes five contraposed viewpoints (contraview themes), which are factors on the decision spectrum that relate to human experiences. These five contraview themes are: (i) Conformity or Rebellion; (ii) Respect or Ridicule; (iii) Optimism or Pessimism; (iv) Connection or Isolation; and (v) Reality or Illusion. As part of an interrelated study resource, both Part A and Part B also concentrate on five essential elements for the composition of rhyme verse: Theme, Message & Meaning, Vernacular, Rhyme Schemes, and Syntax. Moreover, creative product and exegesis investigate three delivery avenues (education, entertainment, and advertisement), which have potential to deliver rhyme verse to an audience. Also, the exegesis focusses on cognitive effects of employing rhyme pertaining to memory and positive or negative reaction to rhyme verse.