Many nursing students have unfavourable attitudes towards people with mental illness. This study aimed to examine if Australian Bachelor of Nursing students' beliefs about prognosis and long-term outcomes for people with schizophrenia changed through their course. The Attitudes and Beliefs about Mental Health Problems: Professional and Public Views questionnaire, which included a vignette about a person with schizophrenia, was used with a convenience sample of students. An interrupted time series approach to data collection was used, with data collected three times between 2005 and 2007. A university ethics committee approved the study. Data were analysed using SPSS version 15. Overall, the students recognized the person's need for professional help. By third year, students were more pessimistic about prognosis if the person did not receive professional help than in their earlier years of study. By third year, students also rated the long-term outcome to be ‘creative or artistic’ more favourably than in earlier years. The findings showed no significant differences in perceived overall negative and positive long-term outcomes across the three data collection points. The findings reinforce the need for theoretical and clinical education in mental health to be included and progressively increased in all years of study if attitudes are to be improved