Clinical compression garments have been shown to improve functional control in patients with motor impairments, however, investigation in functional control has not been observed whilst wearing sports compression garments. This pilot study assessed motor control changes in the bicep brachii muscle following a bout of eccentric exercise designed to induce delayed onset muscle soreness for intervals up to 14 days after exercise. Eight male participants performed 35 maximal isokinetic eccentric extensions at 90° s−1. Participants where then randomly divided into one of two groups to perform a one-dimensional elbow flexion/extension visuomotor tracking task; one group wore a sports compression garment during the task, the other acted as control (no garment). The group who wore the compression garment performed the tracking task significantly better immediately post-exercise, and at days 1, 2 and 3 post-exercise (p ≤ 0.05). Non-significant but large and moderate effects sizes (ES), in tracking, were found between the two groups on day 5 (ES = 1.3) and day 7 (ES = 0.7), respectively. Further research is necessary to elucidate these preliminary findings, however, the results suggest that the wearing of sports compression garments post-eccentric exercise has a positive effect on functional motor control.