Item deposited via Symplectic Elements by user: MRS Melissah Thomas HR Feed Proprietary ID: E5110353 ---------- Elements publication ID: 486397 ---------- Depositor requested an embargo: Unknown Embargo ID: 1 Depositor's comment: I can't find the information about the length of the embargo period File moved to dark. SF 18/4/23. "Posting of the article on the internet as part of a non-commercial open access institutional repository or other non-commercial open access publication site affiliated with the author(s)'s place of employment (e.g., a Phrenology professor at the University of Southern North Dakota can have her article appear in the University of Southern North Dakota's Department of Phrenology online publication series); and Posting of the article on a non-commercial course website for a course being taught by the author at the university or college employing the author." - from - File moved from dark - HD 18/4/23