An emerging body of literature explores the need for the implementation of sustainable tourism and a green economy in tourism destinations. However, the diffusion of green economy strategy to stakeholders remains problematic, in part due to a lack of attention around the ways in which such ideas are communicated within different social and communication systems. As such, this study aims to explore the diffusion and subsequent implementation of green economy in tourism in Wakatobi Islands, Indonesia. To address these fundamental gaps, this thesis first combines theoretical advances from a green economy framework and diffusion of innovation theory to develop a conceptual framework; and second, uses this framework to guide a case study to allow better understanding of how diffusion of green economy strategy can fill the gap of information transfer about the green economy concept among stakeholders in destination. This research takes a qualitative case study approach. A total of 33 semi-structured interviews and 2 focus group discussions were conducted with Wakatobi tourism stakeholders, including government, businesses, non-government organisations (NGOs), academics and community. The thesis is structured in three parts. The first part relates to the awareness of stakeholders of green economy strategy in Wakatobi. The proposed framework provides a tool that assists researchers to understand the tourism sector’s perceptions around the implementation of the green economy concept. The second part provides empirical findings relating to the drivers and barriers for diffusing green economy strategy in destination. Factors that drive the diffusion consist of four themes, namely: (1) motivation; (2) awareness; (3) social system; and (4) access of information. Findings also show barriers to the diffusion of knowledge around the green economy in destination, namely governance and social and cultural barriers. The third part explores the channels of communication related to diffusing information about the green economy in Wakatobi. In this part, Rogers’ diffusion theory (2003) sheds light on the use of communication channels and other related elements of diffusion in disseminating information about green economy strategy. In turn, findings suggest four channels of communication with the dissemination process of green economy, namely: (1) interpersonal communication; (2) group communication; (3) mass communication; (4) special event communication.