The Collection Development Policy Committee of the library considered a number of collection evaluation methods, including conspectus, to be undertaken by subject liaison librarians. The Cumulative Approach to collection evaluation was chosen as it uses aspects of several methods to provide checks and balances to overcome each method's drawbacks. The core of this approach is to base the evaluation on the course programs offered by Departments or Faculties at a campus. The challenge for the Victoria University Library is to implement more fully the electronic or digital library whilst maintaining traditional library services as required. The Cumulative Approach to collection evaluation will assist in the achievement of this aim. This paper provides the method, procedure, and basis of a final report for Cumulative Approach undertaken by a subject liaison librarian who trialed the method on behalf of the collection development policy committee. The input during the process and final report have contributed to the methodology having a soundfoundation from which the rest of the library's subject liaison librarians can move forward in the evaluation of their collections.