Glass fiber-polyamide 6 (PA6) composites are widely used for various automotive applications, yet the ability to exhibit multifunctional properties and the cost of it remains challenging. Herein this work introduces a cost-effective approach for utilization of waste glass fiber (GF), green aluminium metal organic framework (Al-MOF), and industry-grade graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) for the fabrication of multifunctional PA6 thermoplastic composites with enhanced mechanical performance and fire retardancy. The results demonstrate that hybrid filler of Al-MOF and GNPs have a synergistic effect in improving the mechanical properties and fire retardancy of GF reinforced PA6 composites. Compared to the neat PA6, the PA6 composite containing 20 wt% GFs, 5 wt% GNPs, and 5 wt% Al-MOF exhibited ~97% and ~93% improvements in tensile and flexural strength, respectively. Also, compared to the neat PA6, 27 and 55°C increases were observed in glass transition temperature (Tg) and heat deflection temperature, respectively. Thermal stability and fire retardancy of the GFs/PA6 composites were significantly improved when hybridized with GNPs and Al-MOF.