This chapter sketchs some of these meanderings, the educational and cultural questions that have dominated my life for many years and which I have struggled to resolve. I shall make some comment on research and knowledge and the idea of narrative as a useful construct for personal change and understanding. My thoughts have been strongly influenced over recent times by such matters within the context of Australian Indigenous learning. There is no more difficult or important question in Australian education, indeed within Australia itself and until such time as reconciliation between the Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples is achieved, we shall all be diminished. We need to seek anchor points within the recognised literature to enable this to occur within education and to provide models of learning that are accessible to all regardless of biography. A critical relationship with knowledge seems to me to be the key in allowing some intellectual purchase on this problem and a willingness to think any thought, to scale any mountain that obstructs our path. But to do so, we need to reach some type of consensus on knowledge itself, to agree on what we are talking about, at least in the short term.