Integrated urban water management approaches (IUWM) are implemented to address challenges from increases in water demand as a result of population growth and the impact of climate change. IUWM aims to utilize all water resources (stormwater, wastewater, and rainwater) based on fit-for-purpose concepts. Here, a local water utility in Melbourne’s Melton growth area explored the availability of stormwater as an alternative water resource for water service planning for a proposed residential development in an existing greenfield area of 13,890 hectares for 160,000 new houses by 2040. A methodology was developed for assessing the stormwater quantity and quality under land use change and different climatic conditions considering the availability of stormwater from the proposed urban development. The modelling results indicated that the amount of annual stormwater generated in the region increased by nearly four times to 32 GL/year under the 2040 full urban land use with high climate change. The provision of constructed wetlands in proposed development blocks was found to be efficient at removing TSS, TP, and TN, and able to retain over 90% of TSS, 77% of TP, and 52% of TN in all scenarios. Harvested stormwater, if treated to potable standards, can meet nearly 40% of water requirements for residential area needs.