This paper is premised on two vaguely related ideas: the thinking through of a performance practice that produces itself through ‘preparation’ and ‘doing’ (makes itself on the floor); the thinking through of an interior spatial practice that performs (itself) as an ecology of differences. Territory is (made or exhausted by) movement – movement that undoes, un(de)designs, yet is active like chance and carnival. Territory arising over and over by force – enduring without purpose. A space for the shaman, or transforming (through rites and rituals); composed or assembled – to see what happens, to be active not re-active. A space, anywhere, for intuition and improvisation, for performing as living-being in such a way as to disperse ‘territory’, make of territory a field – immaterial wisps, whispers, scents, touches, emerging from material the matter of experience, of relations, mixes, atmospheres. A field, almost imperceptible, for quietening, for losing one’s ground, for expanding the situation of the body, its velocity or shape, or its capacity for ‘joy’.