Following calls for the independent replication of universal body image programs under diverse conditions, this research aimed to investigate whether the universal co-educational prevention program developed for audiences in the United Kingdom (Dove Confident Me, DCM), was an acceptable and effective intervention when delivered by teachers to adolescent girls attending a single-sex Australian school. Comprising two studies, Study 1, evaluated DCM among Grade 8 students (N = 198) at a single-sex private school, and compared the results with students (N = 208) s from a matched comparison group. No improvements were observed on outcome measures between the comparison and intervention girls over the three time points. Study 2 involved minor modifications to the aesthetics and content of the program, as well as the logistics of delivery. Delivered by teachers to Grade 8 students (N = 242 intervention and N = 354 comparison), there were significant improvements in acceptability of the modified DCM program, yet no interaction effects observed on outcome measures. While the program did no harm, it is possible that there are adjustments to the methods utilized and content of programs that are trialed in efforts to prevent body image concerns and eating disorders in the school setting.