This study aims to investigate the mechanisms by which firms’ strategic entrepreneurship (SE) impacts the achievement of their collaborative advantage (CA) for sustainable supply chain innovation. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the direct effect of SE on CA, the contingent effects of organizational structure and collaborative networks on this impact and the interaction effect of exploration and exploitation strategies under SE. An integrated conceptual model is proposed and the hypotheses are tested by structural equation modeling (SEM) using survey data from 432 manufacturing firms in China. The results confirm the positive impact of SE on CA, which is moderated differently by decentralized, formalized and specialized organizational structures. Meanwhile, vertical and horizontal collaborations lead to different types of advantages, and firms need to balance exploration and exploitation strategies across functional domains to achieve strategic ambidexterity, which further improves CA and facilitates sustainable supply chain innovation. Theoretically, this study is original in applying SE to the collaborative advantage in a supply chain context, while taking into account the high complexity of supply chain collaboration with a contingency approach. Practically, this study provides important managerial implications and specific recommendations for different firms to achieve sustainability in supply chain collaboration and innovation.