Calcitonin receptor-immunoreactive (CTR-ir) endothelial and foam cells were identiWed in atherosclerotic plaque within the abdominal and thoracic aortas of rabbits fed a cholesterol-supplemented diet. Initially, cells within the endothelial layers of nascent atherosclerotic plaque of arteries were also CD34-positive, a marker of precursor cells of the haematopoietic lineage. In a further rabbit model with more advanced cardiovascular disease, CTR-ir cells were located deeper within the plaque as well as within the endothelial layer overlying the neo-intima. Finally, in the third model, in which the 4-week period on the atherogenic diet was followed by a 12-week period of regression on a normal chow diet, during which serum cholesterol levels returned to the normal range, CTR-ir was markedly reduced in the stabilized Wbrous cap of plaque. Thus, the expression of CTR is associated with the early cellular events involved in plaque formation and is downregulated as stabilisation of plaque progresses in the process of healing.